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Wednesday 9 June 2010

Will Najib, Hadi Awang and Anwar Ibrahim’s Azmin Ali similarly stand together in Parliament for or on the Indian poor?

For the Indian students scoring from 5As’ up to 13As’ SPM top students but denied JPA Scholarships, Matriculation and University places and scholarships in Petronas, Shell, Mara, Khazanah, Tenaga, Telekom, 13 state Yayasan and scores of others scholarships.

- For the Indian students scoring from 5As’ up to 13As’ SPM top students but denied JPA Scholarships, Matriculation and University places and scholarships in Petronas, Shell, Mara, Khazanah, Tenaga, Telekom, 13 state Yayasan and scores of others scholarships.

- For Indian poor end up eating sand because of poverty

- For Hindu temple relocated next to a sewerage pond in Kg. Lindungan and scores of other places.

- Against Police shooting dead and murdering two Indian brothers and there being at least three eye witnesses and scores of other such cases.

- Against scores of allocated Tamil school land completely missing from the land office records.

- Against World’s only upstairs shophouse, primary school ie the Lukut, World’s only basement school ie the Assad Tamil school in Penang, World’s only fully shipping container school ie the Ladang Jeram, World’s only primary school in a Public Utilities (JKR) store ie the Tepi Sungai Tamil School in Kuantan.

These are just the real tip of the iceberg.

But the UMNO , PKR, DAP and PAS top leadership will not stand together like rightly done in the Gaza Flotilia issue against Israel or would they move an emergency motion etc in Parliament on Indian 13As’ and scores of other top and high achieving Indian students being denied scholarships, Matriculation and University places locally and overseas.

UMNO Najib Razak’s One Malay-sia?

PKR, DAP and PAS ‘multi-racialism?

Only because the victims are Indians the answer is NO!

Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice.

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