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Wednesday 9 June 2010

Najib riding high with jobless M'sians

By FMT Staff
KUALA LUMPUR: Unemployed Malaysians appear to be smitten with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, according to a recent survey which saw his popularity soar to 72% from 69% in April.
The interesting point in the Mederka Centre survey was that nearly half or 47% of the 1,028 Malaysians polled claimed that they were jobless.
Leading the pack of admirers was the Indian community, with a whopping 80% giving Najib the thumbs-up. Malays were second with 77% while the Chinese came in a predictable third with 58%.
Merdeka Centre said the respondents were randomly surveyed by telephone and the poll had a margin error of 3.1%.
The survey was carried out between May 6 and 16 this year, shortly after the two recent by-elections in Hulu Selangor and Sibu.
Corruption still a sore point
Meanwhile, the survey revealed that the majority of respondents found the government to be lacking in its efforts to battle corruption and crime.
Of those polled, 61% were dissatisfied with the actions taken to curb corruption, while 57% were unhappy about the crime rate.
When provided with a list of issues, 53% chose “fighting corruption” as the most important area which needs to be addressed by the Najib administration.
On the other hand, the response was positive on the moves to improve public transport, education, living standards in rural areas and the rendering of assistance to the needy.
The survey also found that Malaysians remained split on the direction of the country, with 52% saying that it was on the right track, 34% claiming that it was heading south and 14% unsure.
There was also a dip in relation to the country's economy, with 47% stating that the conditions were favourable as opposed to 52% in April.
For the full survey, click here for Merdeka Centre's website.

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