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Thursday 3 June 2010

UMNO – the puppetmaster behind the wrangling between the MIC Mandores…….

What we see in the video below is only a fight amongst Mandores. The Chief Mandore Samy Vellu is not serving the purpose of their tuans UMNO, anymore and UMNO has given the signal that he has to go. The lesser Mandores are taking care of the rest. The Mandores are all just one greedy lot. Mandores are Mandores, there are no good Mandores and bad Mandores. This is the real story behind the event featured in the video.

Now consider this:

Samy Vellu has been the president of the MIC the party that purportedly represented the Indians in the Malaysian Government for 31 years, from 1979. It coincided very clearly with the Malaysian New Economic Policy period as well as with Dr.Mahathir’s reign and UMNO’s ascendancy out of a party arising out of Malay insecurity to a party implementing the Malay Supremacy policies - of the Ketuanan Melayu supremacists. Mahathir’s rule spanned 1981 to 2003.It was exactly in this period that the marginalization of the Indians in the country accelerated. Mahathir and UMNO were slanting all policies against the Indian poor and completely ignoring the devastating effect their development policies were having on the Indian poor.

Look at the way all rights and opportunities for the Indian community had been whittled away in this period.

The Indian poor still struggling to get their basic rights as citizens – ICs and BCs .

The Indian young who get 9, 10, 11 As in SPM struggling to get into Matriculation , to get JPA scholarships and to get into local Public Universities – what should be their basic right.

The Tamil Schools in such delapidated conditions

Temples and other land rights of Indians being denied

Indians still living on the edge of poverty in an era of plenty and prosperity for so many. 4 children in the Sungei Patani Indian family were hospitalised just this week for eating gravel, because they did not have food at home to eat. (reported today 1st June 2010 in NST) ? Can you imagine…

Indian youth continue to be shot and killed wily nily by the trigger happy Malaysian Police .

MIC’s role and Samy Vellu’s role in all of this was just this – in spite of the deleterious effects of UMNO’s racist economic policies , to create illusions of benevolence on the part of the BN government, that indeed the UMNO Government polices were helping the Indian poor specifically and the Indian community generally. This was a period of grand drama to conceal the truth of marginalization and impoverishment .

He was playing a key role for UMNO.

This was the only role a Mandorist party can play, anyway. The BN political arrangement would not have allowed otherwise – for in truth, what we had, what we have is “BN outside, UMNO inside”. MIC is just part of UMNO’s BN mask to hoodwink the Indian voters. Create illusions and bring in the Indian votes election after election – successful strategy for 6 general elections, 1982-2004.

For this grand drama, these leaders were given licences, contracts, permits, shares and other rewards which they greedily lapped up. On top of that they even stole from the extremely meagre allocations to the Indian community ( see what Bharath Maniam has to say about that in the video).

The main culprit in all this was and is Umno. Samy Vellu and his troupe of Mandores in the MIC leadership at all levels, including his present detractors S.Subramaniam, Bharath Maniam, KP Samy and Mugilan were mere accomplices in the game – the game to deceive the Indians. But treacherous accomplices. This is the plain truth.

All these people who today are speaking out in the video against Samy Vellu are no angels. They are all equally guilty, as is Samy Velly of conniving with the main culprit UMNO. Today Samy Vellu is no more serving their tuan UMNO’s purpose effectively. So UMNO has decided he has to go. The Indian votes have deserted the BN. MIC under Samy cannot do the job anymore. Now UMNO wants to try an MIC without Samy Vellu. Unfortunately Samy Vellu is not about ready to let go. He has a firm grip on the levers of power within the MIC party and he controls all the goodies (crumbs) that are dished out to the lesser Mandores.

So, no choice, he has to be pushed out. The signals from the Tuan are very clear. So, a few among the greedy and sycophantic lesser Mandores reading the signals now come out as the new champions of the downtrodden Indians. Just another act in the grand drama of delusion. They are just doing the dirty work for their tuans of getting rid of what Samy has come to be – baggage. They are no new champions.

Mugilan who is spearheading this effort was Muhyiddin’s choice for the Hulu Selangor seat, and this is not a mere conicidence. The “niat” occasionally is visible – like in these unfolding events. He clearly is a more acceptable new Mandore to the Tuan.

And it will be no surprise to us if UMNO is the direct puppet master in all this, though UMNO denies it and Vell Paari apologised for his outbursts to this effect. But just look at the way the mainstream media is covering all these events. The crowd size in the hall during the meeting in the video, they say was 5,000, others say it was smaller. Whatever the truth the same Utusan and Berita Harian reported a mere few thousands gathering for the historic Hindraf rally. Based on the way they tend to slant you judge for yourself. Look at Utusan, Berita Harian, NST yesterday, their screaming headlines were all slanted against Samy Vellu.They just want to replace the Chief Mandore who is now a liability to them with a new set of more useful Mandores who they hope will assist them in continuing their damned policies . That is all plain and simple.

We all must not be fooled into thinking that any of this is the beginning of a new dawn for the Indians. This is just wrangling among thieves – UMNO, Chief Mandore and the lesser Mandores. This is no good versus evil play.

Do not be fooled by any of this.

Our objective must be to destroy the Mandorist system altogether. Until we do that there will be no new dawn for the Indians in the country.


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