Utusan Malaysia today 2/6/10 at page 6, reported that four (Indian) parties namely IPF, Kimma, MUIP and MMSP be admitted into BN.
Besides the above, the other five BN linked parties are Malaysian Ceylonese Congress, Mindraf, Punjabi Peoples Party, while MIC and PPP are BN component parties.
In the opposition front HRP is the only Indian based political party.
But in the Opposition Alliance Pakatan Rakyat(PR) there are no Indian based political parties. PKR is a Malay party, DAP Chinese party and PAS an Islamic party. PR does not want Indian based HRP as the Indian component party. And neither does PR’s Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kiat Siang and Hadi Awang want to admit HRP into PR as the fourth and only Indian based component party, as they all know that HRP will never become their Indian mandores. In the pretext of being supposedly “multi-racial” parties they would rather create their own ‘internal” Indian mandores to merely showcase the Indian front.
HRP is not prepared to start off on the wrong footing by begging PR to be admitted as the fourth component party member as how the aforesaid nine Indian political parties are begging to be admitted into or remain in BN.
Be that as it may, HRP will stand alone in their struggle for especially the Indian poor being excluded from the national mainstream development of Malaysia, and also denied equality, equal opportunities and equal upward mobility opportunities that has never been seriously taken up by the top Malay and Chinese leaders in PKR, DAP and PAS in over the last 53 years. We have in the last 20 years stood alone.
We will remain the third force and as a check and balance on both BN and PR vis a vis the Indian poor.
Why in fact in the 25th November 2007, 100,000 Hindraf Rally, we pulled it off almost alone with zero support from PKR, DAP and PAS.
And this time we will do it again all alone in the 2012/2013 general elections vis a vis our Project 15/38, ie., our targeted creating, contesting and winning in fifteen Indian majority parliamentary and 38 State Assembly seats.
P. Uthayakumar
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