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Wednesday 23 June 2010

Poor and hungry soil eating Indian girls now denied mum’s love, care and attention and to be converted to Islam at the Welfare Home.

Url poorIt would be very easy for UMNO, PKR, DAP, PAS and even Indian elite to blame the parents of these girls aged 6, 7 and 9 for being unable to feed their children (See NST 19/6/2010 at page 9).

But UMNO PKR, DAP, PAS and the Malaysian civil society has refused to address ways to solve this real poverty in this and thousands of such Indian poor families, for example by giving them the 442,000 ten care land ownership scheme in Felda, Felcra, Risda, Fama, Mardi, Agropolition etc. (BH 25/2/2010 at page 4).

Why? Because the Indians are poor and powerless?

HRP’s Project 15/38 creating and winning in 15 Parliamentary and 38 state seats is the only way forward.

P. Uthayakumar

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