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Wednesday 26 May 2010

Samy Vellu's Son Insolent, Says Muhyiddin

MUAR, May 25 (Bernama) -- Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin regards MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu's son Vell Paari as insolent for blaming Umno for the problems in MIC.

Muhyiddin, who is also Umno deputy president, said Umno strongly refuted the allegation made by Vell Paari.

Muhyiddin was earlier asked by reporters on Vell Paari's accusation against Umno through the "Free Malaysia Today" website, saying that Umno had used "political assassination" to divide MIC, one of the Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties.

He was met after attending a gathering with teachers in the Muar and Ledang districts at the Pagoh Sports Complex, here Tuesday.

The BN deputy chairman is also asking Samy Vellu to advise his son not to make any more statement that could hurt the sensitivities of another component party.

Muhyiddin said Vell Paari had a vested interest in the current MIC crisis "as he is the party president's son".

"Whatever it is, the prime minister and I have said that we want the crisis in MIC to be resolved soonest possible.

"But any solution to a conflict in any BN component party should be based on justice, transparency and the party's constitution and stipulated procedures.

"This is what we have done in Umno, even when we had to sack party members for breaching party discipline," he said.

Muhyiddin also stressed on the importance of BN component parties solving their internal problems fast to make BN's position strong under the leadership of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

On a newspaper report on the serious disciplinary problem at a school in Rawang, Muhyiddin said the Education Ministry had ordered an investigation be carried out.

"If it's disciplinary problem, we have ways to address the problem but if it involves violation of the law, we will ask the police to investigate," he said.

Meanwhile, Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said Umno had never interfered in the internal affairs of other BN component parties, including MCA when it had a serious leadership crisis recently.

He said he was disappointed with the allegation made by Vell Paari against Umno and that it must be proven.

Shafie said a crisis in any component party would affect efforts to strengthen BN, and it was only natural for any BN leader to be concerned about the crisis and wishing it be resolved soonest possible.

"Expressing concern doesn't mean we are meddling in the internal affairs or direction of another component party.

"If there are dissenting voices within the (component) party itself, why should Umno be blamed for its problems?" he said.

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