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Wednesday 26 May 2010

PAS “tuan” denies land to all 58 Tamil schools in Kedah to prevent them qualifying for full financial aid.

url pas
The Kedah ‘tuan” Menteri Besar and his Indian Exco mandore met 58 Parent-Teacher Association chairmen of Tamil schools in Kedah.
This tuan and his mandore Exco member has no shame in offering peanuts of “small amounts of aid” and “large amounts” to be included in the next Budget.
But why have the large amounts never have been in the 2009 and 2010 PAS, PKR and DAP budget of Kedah? Why this direct discrimination against the Kedah Indian poor by PKR, DAP and PAS?
And most importantly why has this PAS Kedah state government just like the PKR Selangor and Penang State governments refused to grant land to all 58, 98 and 28 respectively Tamil schools in the states? With state land granted which can be done by the stroke of the pen of these state Menteri Besars and Chief Minister all these 184 Tamil schools in these three states would be granted full financial aid status by the Federal government.
Why why this level of racial discrimination by PKR DAP and PAS against these poor Indians?
How then are these PKR, DAP and PAS any different from the UMNO/BN regime!
P. Uthayakumar
PAS Tuan

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