This police plant E3M Special Branch ASP’s latest theatrics (wayang kulit) to show that he is also fighting the police by highlighting a police stray bullet hitting an Indian youth. We believe IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan and the Director of Special Branch has assigned this ASP to take up this ‘sideshow” police shooting case but not involving a death but a pure accident.
On a similar note this ASP does, a la MIC, a wayang kulit as is required by UMNO by highlighting individual Tamil school cases and never once voiced out that all 523 Tamil schools to be granted land and full financial aid status. This permanent solution for all 523 Tamil schools is not in his master UMNO’s agenda.
This ASP having build up an illusion that he is anti government will then at the appropriate time again turn his guns against Hindraf and HRP which he has taken a break from temporarily, after we had repeatedly exposed this wolf in sheep’s clothes. His job scope is under the operational warfare to create an illusion of a split in Hindraf leadership by himself self claiming to be a Hindraf leader after the IGP on 13/12/2007 declared him a Hindraf leader, and by arresting him under the ISA together with the other Hindraf lawyers. We do not know this ASP. He joined us only 3 months before the ISA arrest on 13/12/07 and did photostating for us.
A google search on this ASP before 25/11/10 reveals zero writings. There is no history of an activist or anybody having been detained under the ISA with a track record of only 3 moths involvement in an organization.
On Nov 25th 2007 there were never Hindraf leaders except P.Waythamoorthy as the Hindraf chairman. But then in a matter of days on 13/12/10 suddenly this police plant emerges as a “Hindraf leader", then in three weeks time creates problems of an illusion of a rift between the top Hindraf lawyers, allegations of Hindraf funds being misused and thereafter focusing on creating confusion through the Tamil newspapers and focusing on attacking P.Waytha Moorthy and P.Uthayakumar.
There is no rift; Waythamoorthy, and his lawyers Uthayakumar, Manoharan and Gengadaran are still working together in various ways.
Come on Tan Sri Musa you could do better! You appear such an incompetant buffoon.The Indians are no more fools. You seem to have created the confusion using UMNO’s print and electronic media and swallowed your own propaganda, but we can see through you and your Special Branch agent. This ASP is a failure! “Kegagalan operasi!” Maybe you should plant a new ASP! Even our friends in the Army intelligence unit (who is a mutual friend to Raja Petra) confirmed that this ASP is a police SB plant and still under orders even though his cover has been blown. Such a thick skinned dimwit!
Beware of this ASP who is heading Ops Padam Hindraf.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice
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