Anwar Ibrahim, the ex 18 year UMNO No. 2, is now trying to create a forum of Indian mandores through his Chief mandore MP for Kapar to further create illusions and to perform wayang kulit kosong politics, a la MIC, of land here and land there, hamper and (kosong or piecemeal) mock cheque presentation wayang kulit, one or two computers per Tamil school, chairs and tables, food item packets, etc., with the view to permanently keep the Indian poor out of the national mainstream development of Malaysia especially in the states of Kedah, Penang and Selangor. (See the Star 8/5/2010 at page N59).
This Anwar Ibrahim propelled Opposition Indian mandore’s forum is nothing more than a ploy to purely harness for “free" the Indian votes. Anwar is merely trying to use and take advantage of the Indians through his Indian mandores knowing that the Indians are terribly disillusioned with the UMNO led One Malay-sian racist, religious extremist and supremacist government.
Anwar Ibrahim only wants to be a taker and is never a giver vis a vis the Indians community.
A thousand mile journey begins with a single step. Therefore to prove sincerity we ask Anwar Ibrahim to kick start his journey to Putrajaya which we support by also being a giver, beginning from the state of Selangor as follows:-
1) Where is the Yayasan Selangor scholarships to the hundreds of deserving Indian students?
2) Where is the MRSM (Tamil) by the Selangor state government for all the 817 Tamil school pupils who had scored 7As’ in UPSR?
3) Where is the 10 acre Felda like land ownership schemes for the Indian poor in Selangor?
4) Where is the estate workers housing scheme for the thousands of the displaced Indian poor in Selangor?
5) Why are licences to hundreds of Indian scrap metal dealers and car wash operators in Selangor still being denied?
6) Why are the deserving Indian poor being denied state government loans to do petty trading and also denied the opportunities to run businesses in the low rental Selangor State government and their 73 subsisiaries (state GLC) (NST 15/5/10 at page 24) owned food stalls and other business premises.
7) Why have freehold land titles to all 98 Tamil schools, all Hindu temples all Hindu cemetaries and all Indian settlements are being refused to be issued?
Settle this and the road to Putrajaya would be clearer.
Anwar Ibrahim’s Kapar P.K.R. MP mandore does MIC style kosong politics food packets for 160 poor Indians.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice
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