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Wednesday 28 April 2010

Was Zaid sabotaged?

By Stephanie Sta Maria - Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR's defeat in the Hulu Selangor by-election has been the subject of much analysis and speculation from every possible angle.

Among others, the blame has been placed on Barisan Nasional for “buying votes”, which the ruling coalition has denied, and the character assassination of PKR candidate Zaid Ibrahim.

However, there is also another serious allegation making the rounds – internal sabotage.

Contacted by FMT, several party sources cofirmed this, calling it “the straw that broke the camel's back.”

“From day one, Zaid's presence in PKR has been an unsettling factor for some ambitious leaders in the party. These people feel threatened by him,” they said.

When the former law minister was officially announced as PKR's candidate for the Hulu Selangor by-election, the party insisted that it was an unanimous decision.

But sources told FMT otherwise.

“While no one objected to his candidacy, their acceptance was delivered with reluctance,” they said.

This corroborated observations made by political analysts that Zaid lacked internal support because he was Anwar Ibrahim's choice and not the party's.

Sources claimed that Zaid was forewarned not to rely on the PKR machinery for his campaign.

PKR officials, however, expressed outrage over these claims, arguing that they worked around-the-clock to ensure that the campaign ran smoothly.

Some even accused Zaid of “tripping himself.”

“He appointed his own team when he had the party machinery. The lack of cooperation between the two is to be blamed for any inconsistencies on the ground,” the officials told FMT.

But sources claimed that most of those who put in the real work were from Zaid's personal team of supporters from Kelantan.

No posters, no polling agents

According to them, posters and banners delivered before nomination day (April 17) were not put up because the “other teams” refused to budge until they received the financial allocation promised to them.

There were also reports of banners and posters having mysteriously vanished in the hands of these teams. About 15,000 posters and some 100 banners went to waste.

Sources also told FMT of a skirmish during the briefing session for polling agents held by PKR.

“The situation got so out of hand that a number of DAP volunteers walked out of the briefing.

“This resulted in the late arrival of Pakatan (Rakyat) polling agents at a number of polling stations on election day. Many only turned up after polling was in full swing,” they said.

Worse still, many polling stations in Hulu Bernam didn't even have a Pakatan polling agent while the ballots were being cast.

There are two ways of looking at this.

One is by attributing it to the incompetence in PKR which is unsurprising given its current turbulent state.

The other is to attribute it to sabotage by those whose status would be threatened by Zaid's potential position as a member of parliament.

Fingers point at Azmin

And sources have fingered PKR vice-president Azmin Ali and those close to him as possible suspects.

“Zaid's victory would change the leadership equation in PKR and put him on par with Azmin.

“Zaid is also reputed to represent the new leadership entering into PKR's fold. He would attract educated middle Malaysians, and this would also change the internal status quo,” they said.

Sources also singled out Azmin because of his influence over the PKR machinery within Selangor.

There is strong speculation that he could be responsible for the delay in putting up the banners and posters, and distribution of leaflets.

Another reason for this suspicion, sources said, is that Azmin has close ties with Yahya Saari, who was in charge of campaign logistics.

Despite numerous attempts, Azmin could not be reached for comments.

'Incompetent' MB

Also coming under attack was Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim for his alleged incompetence in deploying the state resources to ensure a win.

“He was never seen with the candidate, but chose to erect large billboards and put up posters promoting himself instead of Zaid,” said the sources.

Drawing a comparison with how former Umno menteris besar like Dr Mohd Khir Toyo used to spearhead election campaigns in the state, they said Khalid did not live up to expectations.

“There was no proper lodging or food provided for those who came from other states to campaign for Zaid; it was a clear example of top-to-bottom incompetence,” they said.

“In some cases, party leaders who held ceramah never mentioned the candidate's name or his credentials; they chose to praise themselves or others instead.

“This is not how you win an election,” stressed the sources.

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