The Sinar today (29/3/2010 at page S 25) carries the MIC Mandore’s 53 year old wayang kulit, supposedly dishing out Mykads’, welfare help and free clinics by the mobile National Registration Department, Welfare Department and the clinic. This wayang kulit drew 300 participants.
Only 10 Indians without Identity Cards were merely identified, let alone the same being solved. What about the estimated 150,000 Indian children nationwide who have been denied their birth certificates and another 300,000 of their parents who have similarly also been denied their Identity Cards cum Malaysian citizenship?
Critics from both sides of the political spectrum in UMNO for 50 long years repeatedly warned us about raising these “sensitive issues”.
And now the ex-17 year UMNO Opposition Leader joins the bandwagon but accuses Hindraf and HRP of their ‘racist’ agenda. Raising instances of injustices and discrimination is considered ‘racism’?
Malaysia is about the only country in the world where the struggle against racism is deemed to be racist even by the supposed “multiracial” Anwar Ibrahim. A struggle for a place under the Malaysian sun is deemed racism by Anwar Ibrahim. But this very same Anwar Ibrahim has zero records of condemning UMNOs’ worst forms of racism because he would lose Malay votes.
Anwar Ibrahim, DAP, PKR and PAS could practice non racism but they won’t. For example he could for a start direct the PKR Selangor State government to open up a Birth Certificate and Identity Card solving Secretariat with one Director five Regional Heads of Department, Ten Managers, twenty supervisors and 100 staff within the State Secretariats in Selangor, Penang and Kedah and under the direct supervision of the Menteri Besars and Chief Minister with the view to solve this 53 year old problem created and allowed to compound by UMNO.
These state governments could undertake the task to liaise and if need be take the Federal UMNO government to court in seeing to it that the denying of BCs’ and ICs’ by UMNO is put to an end at least in these three P.R ruled states. This would in effect mean that about 40% of the 150,000 and 300,000 BC and IC problems could be solved. But Anwar Ibrahim his PKR, DAP and PAS would not undertake actions against these UMNOs’ injustices. Because the victims are merely the soft target Indians with no or very little political power.
So now who has the racist agenda, Anwar Ibrahim, PKR & DAP, or HRP and Hindraf?
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice
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