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Tuesday 6 April 2010

Hulu Selangor Hindu cemetery demolished at will but Chinese muslim and Christian cemetery preserved

Pray tell us of one Hindu cemetery that looks even remotely like in the photo above in The Star 5/4/2010 at page T 6 22.

Unlike the economically powerful Chinese, almost 90% of the Indians are in the poor, poor or low income group and thus they cannot afford to buy up land like for the Chinese cemeteries. Similarly the Christian Muslims cemeteries are almost as well maintained and preserved.

But when it comes to Hindu cemeteries, they are demolished at will. The latest being the Ladang Batu Pekaka Hindu cemetery by the PAS Kedah government. Similarly the PKR Selangor state government demolished the Hulu Selangor Hindu cemetery two months ago (posted herein) and SinarHarian reported that bones were found scattered around. Of course almost all of the Hindu cemeteries were historically given by the British for the Hindu communities use unlike for the muslim cemeteries these land for Hindu cemeteries were never alienated nor gazetted accordingly.

The duty and responsibility to maintain cemeteries in any country is with the local authorities and or the state governments. But only in Malay-sia the local authorities push the buck back to the Hindus to maintain their own cemeteries while the muslim cemeteries are maintained by the government or their agencies.

Even with the two over year rule of Kedah, Penang and Selangor all these Hindu cemeteries have still been denied state government land and refused to be maintained. These Hindu cemeteries are meant to be temporary by both UMNO/BN and also by the PKR/DAP and PAS. Where then is the change promised by PKR, DAP and PAS? As it stands it is clear that they only want the Indian votes and not Indians problems.

P. Uthayakumar

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