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Thursday 1 April 2010

UMNO PM’s Pintar Programmes excludes Tamil schools

ROSMAH  MANSOR The Prime Minister’s wife Rosmah heads the Pintar Kindergardens, which are built in primarily Malay neighbourhoods. Save and except for the token wayang kulit Indian child here and there, this Pintar programme is excluded to especially the poor Indian children. (See NST 31/3/10 at page 26).

Why this discrimination even when it comes to children? How then does UMNO not expect these Indian children to grow up not hating the UMNO led Malay-sian government?

Children are children in any part of the world except in UMNO Prime Minister Najib Razak’s One Malaysia.

Malaysia has ratified the U.N Convention of the Rights of the Child. But at the implementation level UMNOs’ 1,016,799 (UM (B) 21/6/09 at page 19 ) Biro Tatanegara civil service graduates implement UMNOs’ racist, religious extremist and supremacist policies.


UMNO PMs' Pintar programmes excludes Tamil schools

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