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Thursday 29 April 2010

Shahrizat urges parents to be responsible for children’s whereabouts

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani - The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 28 — Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (picture) said today that parents

must monitor and be responsible over their children’s whereabouts, in light of the fatal shooting by police of 14-year-old Aminulrasyid Amzah.

The Women, Family and Community Development Minister said parents must ensure their children are home at night to avoid harm from befalling them.

“I feel that we as parents must monitor our children. We cannot let go of our responsibility. We must monitor our children not only at night but also during the day because violence can happen at any moment.

“However when it occurs in the early hours then many questions will arise. Like why he was out so late, how can a 15 year old drive a car without a license, and what happened,” she told reporters during a press conference in Parliament here.

Aminulrasyid allegedly tried to ram into police officers in Section 11, Shah Alam, which caused them to shoot him in an apparent “self-defence”, in the incident which happened at 2am on Monday.

The young boy died about 100 metres away from his house.

Shahrizat said that parents must lead by example in ensuring their children are home at night.

“Parents must really not abdicate from their responsibilities. They must monitor their children. It is very difficult in these liberal times. Just take a ride in Kuala Lumpur at 2am when the city never sleeps. But there are implications to this lifestyle where violence will happen. Parents are losing control over their children and I know many parents who are not able to make their children stay at home.

“Kuala Lumpur doesn’t sleep and what worries us at the ministry is that we want our young to be back home. For instance if fathers and mothers are out at night then it is unattainable to ask our young to be home at night,” she said.

She added that Malaysians must also change the culture of frequenting “24 hour restaurants” at odd hours at night, and emphasised that everybody should stay at home.

“We must know the whereabouts of our children in the early hours of 2am and it is best that they are at home. But it has been a culture in our country, that morning has become night and night has become morning. If we drive around KL, the city never sleeps. There are many places that are open until 5am and also 24 hours restaurants,” she said.

She also urged the police to review the standard operating procedures when discharging their weapons which she said should only be used as the last resort.

“The use of firearms must follow the set procedures. The firing of weapons must also be the last resort because the risk and implication is high. Maybe it is time for the police to revise the standard operating procedure when using firearms,” she said.

Shahrizat will also request the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein place a welfare officer on the special panel probing the incident.

The Home Ministry recently announced that it was setting up a special panel to carry out a thorough probe into the shooting of Aminulrasyid.

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