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Tuesday 20 April 2010

Hulu S’gor: Calon MIC bukti BN tetap amal perkongsian kuasa, PKR disyor letak bukan Melayu

najib and anwar Hulu S’gor: Calon MIC bukti BN tetap amal perkongsian kuasa, PKR disyor letak bukan Melayu
(See BH 104/410 at page 8)
PKR’s Anwar Ibrahim has, with his choice of candidates, been proven that he is and wants to prove to the Malays that he is more racist than UMNO. Even before coming to power Anwar Ibrahim refuses to share power with the Indians except with the PKR, DAP, PAS mandores who will, like UMNO’s MIC mandores, sell out the Indian poor’s interests in return for some personal gains. Imagine when he gets to Putrajaya!
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

Hulu S'gor 1

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