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Friday 26 March 2010

Perkasa barking up the wrong tree

by Haris Ibrahim

Why is Perkasa badgering the government to continue to keep the Malay community on crutches when the very thing that would help that community to get from rags to riches is right under the very nose of Ibrahim Ali?

Perkasa have the very panacea to cure the economic ills of the Malays right in their very corner.

I speak, of course, of none other than Dr. M.

Dr M had gone on record some time back as saying that he had failed the Malays.

Not entirely true, Doc.

Mokhzani’s ranking as the 20th richest Malaysian with a current net asset value of RM1.075 billion is testimony to that.

What Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali should do is organise roadshows to every city, town and village in the country and give Dr M and Mokhzani the stage to share with the Malays how Mokhzani made it into the big leagues. For good measure, throw in the PM’a brother, Nazir, as guest speaker.

Don’t leave any detail out.

Present to the Malays a comprehensive “How to become a billionaire ala Mokhzani Mahathir”.

And just so that Dr M does not get labelled a racist for not lending a helping hand to the other communities, may be come out with a ‘For Dummies’ guide to getting rich.

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