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Friday 26 March 2010

Ex-UMNO Anwar Ibrahim’s Indian Exco mandore’s MIC peanuts trick – no land titles to 98 Tamil schools, Hindu temples and cemeteries

This Selangor Indian Exco mandore does the same old 50 year old MIC trick and does the MIC style propaganda in the Tamil press again presumably under ex-UMNO Anwar Ibrahim and Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s instructions.

We have to yet again repeat to these ex-UMNO and now turned PKR “tuans” and their Indian mandores to get to the point and offer real and permanent solutions to the Indians in Selangor, i.e., grant these Hindu temples, cemeteries and Tamil schools’ permanent land titles. It has been two years since PKR has been ruling Selangor. And land in Selangor is the almost absolute purview of the Selangor PKR State government.

PKR should stop cheating the Indians as 50 years of cheating under UMNO is enough. PKR can cheat some of the Indians all the time and all the Indians some of the time. But PKR cannot cheat all the Indians all the time especially the Hindraf Makkal Sakthi and HRP Indians

Karuna Nithi

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