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Tuesday 2 March 2010

Lim Guan Eng’s no land title & no show after HRP urged him to announce land for rare seafront hindu temple.

It was the Malaysia’s leading Masi Magam annual festival at the Sri Singamuga Kaliamman, Teluk Bahang hindu temple in Penang on 28/2/2010 which drew some 30,000 hindu devotees from especially all over Penang, Seberang Perai, South Kedah and North Perak. Our pro tem Secretary General P.Uthayakumar, National adviser N.Ganesan, Penang state HRP leader Kalai were all at the Human Rights Party stall. The police special branch set up shop right opposite our stall pretending to sell ice water and peanuts but monitoring and video recording with hidden video cameras. (See photos of Police SB). HRP was least perturbed.

HRP was warmly greeted by the old and young alike. Among our surprise was the eight month old sixth generation Kg.Buah Pala baby whose mother was expecting when Kg Buah Pala was ruthlessly demolished by the DAP Chief Minister of Penang Kapitan Lim Guan Eng. P.Uthayakumar had told her parents that he had read about this expecting mother and her predicament (from behind bars without trial at Kamunting Prison during his 514 days of incarceration.)

The HRP team received warm greetings, hugs, people crying, first emotional meeting since P.Uthayakumar’s release from Kamunting prison. Our valuable feedback from the general public was in effect that their only hope is in Hindraf and HRP. They see our sincerity and selfless struggle without fear and favour of both UMNO and PKR, DAP & PAS.

Some appeared to be confused as a result of UMNO’s and the police special branchs’ multi million Ringgit Malaysia “Ops Padam Hindraf” outlawing of Hindraf to confuse and break up the Hindraf and HRP people power movement by the creation of the Makkal Sakthi Party, ASP Vasanthakumar’s leading role in Operasi Padam Hindraf etc which is ably backed up by UMNOs’ control of the print and electronic media especially through the Home Ministrys’ KDN instructions to the three Tamil dailies. Our nett assessment is the Indian community’s support seems to be currently only simmering but waiting to peak and explode at the right time ie during the 2012/2013 general elections.

Given time this confusion, clouding and the impression of a break up in Hindraf will clear up within months.

HRP made their presence felt, launched their kempen Tawan Perai State seat and Batu Kawan Parliamentary seats by making them at least 60% Indian majority seats as per P.Uthayakumar’s book “Indian political empowerment strategy- the way forward”.

This book, HRP’s latest February buletin and an exhibition on the Hindraf and HRP struggle was also put up by the very dedicated Penang HRP state committee.

When invited to make an impromptu speech by the said temple committee leaders, P.Uthayakumar made only two briefs but spot on points:-

1) The launch of the aforesaid Tawan Perai and Batu Kawan state and Parliamentary seats respectively vis a vis the Indian political empowerment strategy.

2) He asked the temple committee chairman in their welcoming speech later that evening to ask that the Penang Chief Minister Kapitan Lim Guan Eng should announce and backed up with the Penang State Government official letter that this 200 over year old hindu temple is henceforth granted the two acre seafront land that the temple is sitting on and with an undertaking that the title to the land would be granted within 60 days especially so in recognition of the History and Heritage status of this rare seafront hindu temple vis a vis the Indian fishermen who had lived and died in Penang.

But it is believed that this racist Kapitan Lim Guan Eng upon getting this information gave this function a miss and instead as usual assigned his “able” DCM II Indian mandore to attend the function vis a vis to be the fall man cum punching bag ala what MIC had been for UMNO.

After all it has already been two years since DAP is ruling Penang. And they only have a mere two more years to go before the next general elections and they may or may not be retained as the next Penang state government thereafter. Why can’t DAP grant to this temple Penang state government land during their tenure as there is no way UMNO is going to do it if the come back to power in Penang on or after the 2012/2013 general elections.

We are here talking about “our” Penang state government as 90% of the Indians had voted for PKR, DAP and PAS in the 8th March 2008 general elections on our political directions.


Information Chief

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