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Friday 5 March 2010

Charging Al-Islam reporters ‘not in interest of justice’, says A-G

KUALA LUMPUR, March 4 — Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail (picture) has decided not to press charges against the two reporters who wrote an article about the church and Islam in a magazine.

He said taking stern action would not be in the interest of justice, peace and harmony at this particular time. “I have previously decided similarly in other cases where the circumstances were quite similar involving other religions, under those circumstances taking serious action would not be in the interest of justice at that particular time,” he said in a statement here today.

He said a police report was lodged in respect of an article published in Majalah Al-Islam entitled “Tinjauan Al-Islam Dalam Gereja:Mencari Kesahihan Remaja Melayu Murtad” in its May 2009 issue.

“The police commenced investigation and submitted the investigation papers to my Chambers,” he said.

Abdul Gani said the investigation revealed that the two reporters went into the Church of St Anthony at Puduraya to verify allegations that Muslims were converted into Christianity and the use of the word “Allah”.

“Their observations showed that such allegations were not true. In the church, they were given the white bread by the pastor which they subsequently brought back to their office.

“It was further disclosed that they did not know the significance of the white bread. No disturbance was caused in the church. In fact, no one in the church was aware that they were Malays,” he said.

Abdul Gani said the actions of the two reporters might have hurt the feelings of the people but he was satisfied that they did not intend to offend anyone and it was an act of sheer ignorance. — Bernama

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