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Wednesday 3 February 2010

Liow must fulfil his responsibility to MCA, says Kong

The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: MCA vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai must fulfil his responsibilities as the elected leader of the party, said Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha.

Kong, who is also one of the four elected vice-presidents in the party, said Liow must be calm and not act impulsively by boycotting activities organised by the present leadership.

“His participation in all the activities and management of the party is very important. He should reconsider his decision,” he said, referring to Liow’s announcement yesterday that the faction linked to him would stay away from all programmes organised by the current leadership.

Speaking to reporters after launching the One-Stop Centre online of the Housing and Local Government Ministry yesterday, Kong said that as a party vice-president Liow must also respect the views of the grassroots who elected him to the party leadership.

Earlier at a press conference at Wisma MCA, the MCA Integrity Restoring Task Force (MIRT) declared that the faction aligned to Liow would not attend or participate in any function or activity organised by the present leadership from now on.

Liow said that they would boycott the programmes including party cen­tral committee meetings until the leadership honoured their word to hold a re-election.

He also urged grassroots members to follow their call.

“We stand by the decision that a fresh poll is the only way to resolve the current party crisis,” said Liow, reading out a press statement on behalf of the group.

Asked whether the faction would boycott the party anniversary on March 6, Liow said: “Let us wait for the date for a fresh election.”

To a question on whether their action would further split the party, Liow said the party leadership should abide by their word to regain the party’s credibility.

When asked why Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong was not at the press conference, Liow said the Youth chief had an urgent matter to attend to.

Liow said the public was aware that an agreement had been made among all the leaders of the party that fresh elections be held.

By calling for a fresh election, Liow said the party would be able to regain the confidence of the grassroots and to reinstate the credibility of the party.

Liow also emphasised that at no time or in any occasion had he expressed an intention of holding the party president post.

“Personal agenda is never the intention of the MIRT,” he said.

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