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Monday 11 January 2010

Police warn against demos at places of worship

Police today issued a warning against any demonstrations planned at places of worship, especially one rumoured at the Assumption Church in Petaling Jaya, on Jan 13.

NONESelangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said any illegal demonstration would not help ease the situation, instead it would only make it worse.

"I have been informed that an SMS was being circulated, inviting people to assemble in front of church next week, so I urge the public to discard any such plans.

"Let us carry out the investigations... let us handle it... do not take any action that may raise tension and aggravate the situation," he told reporters after visiting the church today.

He added that police would not hesitate to take stern action against anyone who broke the law, including illegal gatherings.

On claims that a mosque in Klang Jaya was attacked, Khalid said: "No such thing happened. Please do not listen to rumours and please do not speculate."

He however, confirmed that stones were thrown at a 'surau' in Klang.

No new cases in Selangor

Khalid said apart from the three attacks on churches in Selangor, no new cases were reported.

"No new cases were reported except for one case where a church was robbed," he said not revealing the identity of the church.

We are still carrying out investigations to identify those who attempted to burn down the three churches, he said.

On Friday night and Saturday morning, firebombs were thrown at the Assumption Church and Life Chapel Church in Petaling Jaya while the Metro Tabernacle Church in Desa Melawati was set on fire by unknown assailants.

The ground floor of the Metro Tabernacle Church which housed the administration block, was damaged by the fire while the two in Petaling Jaya did not suffer any serious damage.

- Bernama


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    by Heng Aik Liang - 2 hours ago

    What do you expect from the attack dog of UMNO. He is well trained. After that a reward will be given for following instructions. That's how animals like dogs are trained.

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    by Thomas Foo - 2 hours ago

    A product of BTN. Nay! What will you do? Shot me dead? Arrest me? For what crime? Illegal assembly? Hey, I'm holding a candle all by myself. Nay! I'm going anyway.

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    by lucia - 3 hours ago

    huh?? what the @#%^!&!(_&^!!!! how come the demonstrations on friday at mosques are allowed but this going to be held demo at a church not allowed???????? AIN'T THAT VERY OBVIOUS BLATANT DOUBLE STANDARD!!! i also receive the SMS. it was just calling for a peaceful candle-light vigil to protest against all the attacks on churches. if it is held in the assumption church, it is consider private, just like the after friday prayers protest was held inside the mosques - so why are they not allowed to protest? GRRR!!! at the time when the tension had not died down yet, that idiot selangor police chief has to say this!!

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    by P.Dev Anand Pillai - 3 hours ago

    Well it is always alright for some to gather and to whatever they like because they belong to the right race but it is never acceptable if the others gather and respond.

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    by Victor Johan - 3 hours ago

    Wah wah wah! Based on rumours, Police already giving warnings. But when already knowing of announcements and postings made about demonstrations to be, and then organised in Mosque compounds, police did not give warning, but instead allowed speeches, especially of the burning of churches. Police, and UMNO, still thinking that the Malaysians at large are still stupid to buy into all this sandiwara.... No thinking Malaysians will assemble in the first place, and create any chaos. This can only happen in UMNO and MIC sponsored strategy or programme. Justice must not just be heard, but be seen to be happening.

1 comment:

Khun Pana aka johanssm said...

It was the govt that allowed groups to do demos outside mosques.
The govt started it first.
And it was fully endorsed by prime minister and the home minister.
Are they still in denial?