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Saturday 16 January 2010

Indonesian and Cambodian Maids but no local House Managers

The Indian poor further disadvantaged by Indonesian and Cambodian maids (refer Malay Mail 13/1/10 at page 7). 1,500 to 3,000 Cambodian maids are brought in every month. Thousands of Indonesian are allowed by UMNO to come in legally or illegally.

What ever happened to the Women and Family Development Ministry’s plan to train create house managers. It never took off because hundreds of thousands of Indian maids would benefit and halt UMNO companies millions lifeline in the business of importing and managing this legal and illegal maids.

P. Uthayakumar


1 comment:

Khun Pana aka johanssm said...

The " APs" are given to umno /bn cronies in order to make millions of ringgit by importing maids and foreign workers .
Each of the umno outsourcing companies have a quota of "APs" in order for them to import foreign workers.

It is a fact.