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Monday 25 January 2010

Gerak chief joins PKR despite suit from party leader

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid - The Malaysian Insider

PETALING JAYA, Jan 24 — Chief of graft watchdog, Gerak, Mohd Nazree Mohd Yunus today joined PKR but denied it was an attempt to have a pending civil suit dropped.

Nazree, a protege of Gerak founder Ezam Mohd Noor who is now in Umno, insisted he joined the party because of his “principles”.

“I want to be a part of a party that fights for the people and it honours me to participate in the second Reformasi wave,” the 26-year-old told reporters at the PKR headquarters.

The former student leader added that he had discussed his application with party de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the latter was “open” about him joining the party.

Nazree’s mentor, Ezam, on the other hand, had left PKR after a nasty fall-out with Anwar’s right hand man, vice-president Azmin Ali.

Ezam resigned as Gerak chief and joined Umno in June 2008.

Many assumed that Nazree would follow Ezam’s anti-PKR trail when he lodged a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission against PKR Selangor chief Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim on allegations of graft.

Khalid immediately denied any wrongdoing and claimed the report was libellous in nature and sued the latter.

Observers believe that Nazree’s intention in joining PKR is an attempt to avoid the civil suit.

The former Gerak chief’s application will be reviewed by PKR’s top leadership. Should he be accepted, Nazree will be joining the PKR’s Angkatan Muda, the party’s youth wing.

In response to media speculation Nazree said there is no question of him being appointed to a particular post within the wing.

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