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Monday 7 December 2009

Vasanthakumar seeks to remain silent about his true masters - the Special Branch. Read this email exchange and my comments.

E mail from me, Namasivayam to Vasanthakumar on Nov 30th 2009

Why do you not just fade away?.

You are doing damage to the Indian cause.

Why do you sell yourself to the special branch?

You are not going to achieve anything other than to destroy.

Why don't you look for money in some other less destructive way.

I cannot see what else you want .


Reply by Vasanthakumar to me on the 1st of December

Dear namasivayam,

I welcomed your doubts. But, to be fair for everybody.

I have explained in fact and figure behind your doubts on 25/11 Hindraf Anniversary.

Please contact/liaise the people who have attend the event.

Or, contact me on below h/p no.


K.Vasantha Kumar

( no phone number was given)

My response to Vasanthakumar on the same day ,1st of December

Why did you lodge the police report on the 14th of January 2008 against Uthaykumar and sveral others. We know your allegations are not true - and so do you. Why then did you lodge that report.

Give a credible explanation for your actions or remain silent and accept the fact that you have sold out.


Vasanthakumar’s reply to me again on the 1st of December

Dear Namasivayam,

please call me at 012-6422109 for clarification



My response to Vasanthakumar again on the same day ,1st of December


Please reply by email to my question if you are truely blameless. I do not want a verbal response.

My question to you again -

Why did you lodge the police report on the 14th of January 2008 against Uthaykumar and several others. We know your allegations are not true - and so do you. Why then did you lodge that report.

Give a credible explanation for your actions or remain silent and accept the fact that you have sold out.

My (Namasivayam's) comments to all of you:

There is no response yet from Vasanthakumar till today the - 4th of December 2009 . He has chosen to remain silent . By remaining silent he accepts the fact to me, the fact that he has sold out.
Now, I want for all of you to know.
We just saw how one traitor Thanenthiran lies exposed . But he looked a hero on the 10th of October 2009 in the PWTC auditiorium with his "party members" - 3000 of them in full view. Barely two months after, his true intentions are exposed. And it is clear who his true master is - Najib.
Similarly, we will wait for this traitor Vasanthakumar, to be exposed .
Until these traitors are all exposed they will continue to be played up by the hidden hands behind, to create an illusion of another credible person, another credible leader, another split in the Hindraf movement. And they will continue to spin the story of a visionless and leaderless Indian community.
My own experience with this kind of Machiavellian play is that there is always a large hidden hand behind these traitors. These traitors do not make a breakaway because of ideological differences. They breakaway because their puppetmaster - the hidden hand behind wants them to breakaway - to creat confusion, create a picture of disunity, to water down the influence of the true leaders. In effect to kill off the true leaders and kill off the true organization.
Maybe when the hidden hands could stay hidden in an age where information did not move about so readily, these kinds of plays were effective. It is not the same, now in the age of information. It is not so easy. We must not let it be easy, we must use these new levers of information to make it difficult for the traitors and their puppetmasters, nay make it impossible.
We must all seek to expose the.
So, my advice to Vasanthkumar is that he should leave the scene now,when he can, so that he can avoid the same shameful and ignominous exit as Thanenthiran's.

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