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Monday 7 December 2009

MACC must raise its performance

The Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) should investigate any form of graft and misappropriation of public funds highlighted in the Auditor-General’s Annual Report, a Gerakan grassroots leader said today.

Kedah Gerakan youth chief Tan Keng Liang said MACC should promptly probe into such reports irrespective of whether the graft activities occurred at federal or state levels, or in Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat-ruled states.

To date, he said large number reported wrongdoings in the AG’s annual report had not been probed, nor anyone charged.

Consequently, he said the government had failed to recover the ‘missing’ funds.

He said this should be among main agenda of the MACC deputy chief commissioner Abu Kassim Mohamed when he helms the anti-graft agency Jan 1 next year.

Referring to Abu Kassim vow to restore the agency’s credibility, Tan said the MACC chief designate should comprehend that time was not on his side to implement his plans and measures to redeem MACC's integrity and public confidence.

“Of course it is not an easy task to redeem credibility in a short span of time,” he acknowledged.

However, he said the general public would not be forgiving and show leniency to granting anymore extension of time to MACC to nab persons involved in corrupt practices.

“Time is of essence in any steps to redeem credibility and restore public confidence on MACC,” Tan said in his statement posted to Malaysiakini today.

He said the public now believed that graft was a main cause of wastage in government funds, increasing public expenditure and high deficit budgets.

Thus, he attributed corruption as an indirect cause to the government introduction of various taxes such as the five percent real property gains tax (RPGT), RM50 credit card service tax, and the soon to be tabled goods and services tax (GST).

Pointing out that these taxes burdened ordinary laymen on the street, except the graft perpetrators, he stressed that hopes of removing unnecessary taxes depended much on MACC performance.

“MACC can reduce Malaysians’ cost burden by eradicating corruption.

“It’s crucial to the country’s socio-economic development and political stability,” said the Gerakan youth leader.

Tan suggested MACC to also publish an annual report to disclose number of cases reported to it and types of actions taken on them, including probe results into the AG’s Annual Report.

He said MACC was also duty bound to explain publicly reasons behind its failure or reluctance to take action on certain cases.

Abu Kassim has vowed to introduce several steps to restore the credibility of the agency when he takes over the reins on New Year.

He said cooperation from other agencies and non-government organisations was also important in restoring the MACC's credibility.

"Without help from all quarters, the MACC will not be able to do a good job," he said.

Abu Kassim will replace MACC chief commissioner Ahmad Said Hamdan, who will retire by the end of the month, five months earlier than scheduled.

Ahmad Said has denied that his early retirement from the post was due to outside pressure.

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