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Friday 11 December 2009

...suggestion on Utusan article issue

By now i am sure you are aware of the latest Utusan Malaysia acticle that condemns not only Msian Indians but also all the Indians around the world. As an Indian, i feel offended by their harsh words, by labeling us kaki kecoh etc.

This is not the first time and it will not be the last time either. MIC/Pakatan/NGOs have made few police reports on this issue but as we all know, no further action will be taken. Well this only happens Bolehland.

So here I would like to propose a suggestion on how to tackle this problem from repeating. As a Tamil say "engge adicha valikummo, angge thaan adikenum" (hit there, where it pain more), my suggestion will be similar to that. As for now, Indians are the main distributor for newspapers in Msia.

I propose that KL/Selangor Indian Newspaper Vendors take this role to teach Utusan a lesson. Boycott the newspaper distribution until they appologise. It can be start in KL/Selangorn then move to whole Msia.

If my suggestion seems to be a liitle harsh, I am sorry. I dont have any confidence on police/Home ministry/AG to take action on this matter.

I hope you can you your influence to request for this boycott. I have tried contacting the President of the association but im getting the " nombor yang anda panggil tiada dalam perkhidmatan' message only.

I hope this will teach them a nice lesson. Show them the powers that we have. Already showed them during 2008, now let's show again.

Hope you can propose this suggestion to the relevant parties.

- bsvanan -

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