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Friday 11 December 2009

Lim Keng Yaik wants to hide behind party’s skirt

I usually don’t bother much with dottering old men, but: Lim Keng Yaik -

Gerakan advisor Dr Lim Keng Yaik has called on all party members to speak out against Malay supremacy, even if it lands them in jail.

Describing it as a ‘foul word’ in politics, the former cabinet minister said ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ or Malay supremacy should be resisted even if it is espoused by Umno.

“Why do you keep quiet? Are you afraid of being sent to jail?” he asked during his speech at Gerakan’s 41st anniversary dinner in Ipoh last night.


Don’t you just *hate* it when ‘leaders’ ask you to do something they are not willing to do themselves?

Does Lim Keng Yaik have some sort of history of bravery here? I think he has some 18 years in Cabinet, did he once tell Mahathir to take his Ketuanan Melayu and stuff it?

If he didn’t have the guts to do it then, what kind of right does he have to go around asking people to do it now??

This old man talk big about going to jail – has he even seen the inside of a cell before??

I think we all know which people really made this questioning of racial supremacy possible, and it sure as hell wasn’t Lim Keng Yaik.

I really don’t understand what kind of people are still members in these parties? Those still hanging around for crumbs off the corruption table?

And want to talk big about kena tangkap? Earn your stripes firstla mr. government man.

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