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Saturday 21 November 2009

Ong's Political Secretary Simon Lim Resigns

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 20 (Bernama) -- Simon Lim, a top aide to MCA president and Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, has resigned after the MCA Central Committee (CC) meeting on Wednesday.

Lim, the political secretary to Ong, said he personally tendered his resignation letter, dated Nov 18, to Ong with a copy to the prime minister.

"I personally handed it to him at his office at the Ministry of Transport after the CC meeting. My resignation will take effect on Dec 1," he told Bernama here on Friday.

Citing personal reasons for his decision, Lim said he wanted to return to his law practice where he was once a senior partner in the law firm, Simon and Co.

"Actually I had planned to go back to my law practice after the MCA Extraordianry General Meeting (EGM) that day (Oct 10). Now I think it is the best time to do that," he said.

However, he declined to say whether his resignation was connected with speculation that he disagreed with Ong over the latter's decision to revamp the MCA presidential council recently.

Apart from being Ong's political secretary, Lim is also the MCA Special Task Force Bureau head.

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