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Wednesday 11 November 2009

Nik Aziz Denies Bai'ah In PAS

KOTA BAHARU, Nov 10 (Bernama) -- PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat today refuted the existence of the bai'ah (oath of loyalty) which has caused a controversy in the party.

The Kelantan menteri besar said the issue was deliberately raised by certain quarters who were envious of PAS struggle, which he said was starting to be accepted by the public.

"Actually PAS is envied by Muslims themselves, and because we have grown in strength recently, there are groups who try to undermine our position. The issue of bai'ah does not arise at all in Kelantan," he told reporters here Tuesday.

He was commenting on the issue following a recent disclosure by Shah Alam Member of Parliament Khalid Samad, from PAS, that the bai'ah oath of allegiance requires elected representatives to divorce their wives should they jump party.

Meanwhile, in KUALA LUMPUR, PAS president Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang said the party would not take any action or give any further explanation on the issue because the party considered it settled.

"There is no need for investigation because the bai'ah doesn't exist," he said when asked by reporters at parliament lobby.

He added that the matter was raised by the media and not by PAS members.

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