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Wednesday 11 November 2009

I am powerless, powerless powerless powerless!

By Arvind Raj

I am powerless, powerless powerless powerless! Thats the only word i remember about Lim Guan Eng's statement on the issue of Kg.Buah Pala. Powerless or Hopeless? Thats the only question thats mingling on our mind. It is not about the formalities or legalities, its not on who transferred the land or who acknowledged the illegal transfer of the Kg.Buah Pala land, but who promised to safeguard the Village and the houses! Did Gerakan government promised to safe the village? Did UMNO did it? Barisan? no one except DAP lead government! When the promises been made, the villagers has a new energy of hope running inside them, like a baby given a lollipop to lick once, thats the scenario here, hope and promises made and then shattered, smeared and abused!, yes, The villagers were told not to worry about the village and will be taken care of by the ruling DAP government : Now how can the Rakyat trust any of the promises made by the politicians on the stage if the scenario is this...



This is the effect of trusting the politicians, a politician is a politician and not all the promises are meant to be fulfilled, in the term of politics, promises are merely a word to get rid of things in the fastest way and it is meant to be broken now or later!.. Lim Guan Eng has to apologize to the villagers of Kg.Buah Pala, because RSN Rayer as an executive of his state government had promised to safe the village and betrayed its citizens, in front of the crowd and 2 of its senior political member Karpal Singh and Ramasamy. The serious matter here is not the Court of Law or MACC, it is the human relationship, Hope and Betrayal. How can we trust any of the Pakatan Rakyat representatives to fulfill our wish and hopes when a 2.6ha land which legally belongs to the Rakyat has been raped in the daylight in the eye of the DAP lead government? What about the dreams of Anwar Ibrahim to become the Prime Minister one day? Will he make such false promises just to win the heart of the Rakyat for personal and party achievements? This is what we fear most, If you cant safe a small piece of land from the Barisan Government, how will you save us from the bigger issues, such as ISA and Racial Discrimination?


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