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Wednesday 18 November 2009

MIED study loan for the Dead

The Traveler,

In the MIC central working committee (CWC) meeting held yesterday, MIC President Samy Vellu alleged that supermom Chitrakala, former MIED CEO, mother of four kids and having interest in 13 companies from Auto service to National service camp, used dead people names to hijack RM 3.2 million, according to a reliable source.

Thiruda Thirudi
Mahalingam, Samy Vellu, Chitrakala
pic: samy vellu as we know him

Apparently, Samy Vellu said that Chitrakala used around 30 names under the pretext of providing education loan to the students but the money was actually transferred to her business partner Mohan Thangarasu who is also the MIC national youth leader.

The checks were signed by Kumaran and Mahalingam.

However, Mohan Thangarasu denied having any knowledge of the source of RM 3.2 million transferred to his company account when the newly elected CWC member K P Samy queried on the youth leaders role in the hijack money belonging to MIED.

Mohan Thangarasu also said that the business deal did not go through and thus the money was returned to Chitrakala.

Samy Vellu threw more dirt on supermom Chitrakala of purchasing a RM 140,000 car and an apartment in London for her use.

Chitrakala recently has filed a defamation law suit on Samy Vellu for accusing her of hijacking insurance coverage of AIMST University from Maika holdings subsidiary insurance company to her husband’s insurance agency.

Supermom may file more law suits. No wonder she is taking up law, now.

Samy Vellu dropped another bomb shell in the meeting.

It seems Mahalingam, the former treasurer, awarded a RM 11 million contract to supply dentistry equipments to AIMST University without calling for tender disregarding another company’s offer to supply the same equipments for RM 7 million.
Mahalingam is Maha Thirudan pocketing RM 4 million.

Yesterday’s CWC meeting was more cordial unlike the previous one where K P Samy had heated arguments with Samy Vellu.

Still K P Samy interjected, “what the internal auditors were doing when all these misappropriations going on?”, the same source said.

Finally, MIED AGM is set on December 03.

1 comment:

Education Student Loans Online said...

A very good post related to Study Loan.