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Thursday 12 November 2009

Is MCA Reviving Original Greater Unity Plan Proposal?

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 11 (Bernama) -- Are the factions involved in the MCA crisis heading back to the original "Greater Unity Plan" (GUP) proposal which would see the appointment of "a totally inclusive" line up in the party's leadership?

The original GUP is said to include Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai as the deputy president while Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek would be made secretary-general.

A party insider said the original proposal was offered to Liow just before the party's central committee (CC) meeting last Tuesday but the Health Minister is said to be silent on the matter.

Last Tuesday morning, just before the CC meeting started, the Registrar of Societies (ROS) issued a letter stating that the party's deputy presidency was not vacant in the aftermath of the extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on Oct 10, which means Dr Chua is still the deputy president.

This caught Liow and some of his supporters off guard. The Health Minister said that he would appeal against the ROS' decision but stressed that he was not against unity as long as it did not result in the removal of leaders.

Some party leaders believe that the best way forward for all factions is to go back to the original GUP proposal.

Moreover, they said MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat himself had said that he could still accept Liow under the GUP although the Health Minister did not give any direct answer except to say that he was not power hungry.

Some party members believe Ong has not totally exclude Liow from the GUP and this is clearly evidence when Ong ordered the setting up of a special task force committee headed by Dr Chua to implement the GUP.

Listed as committee members are Liow, MCA Youth Chief Datuk Wee Ka Siong and Wanita Chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun.

"This clearly shows that they still want to include Liow and his group in the GUP. I believed some horse trading activities are going on," said a grassroots leader who declined to be identified.

However, for political observers and party insiders, the clearest sign yet that the original version of the GUP is now in the offing is when Dr Chua openly offered the deputy presidency to Liow, a vice-president, for the "sake of unity in the party".

"If he wants the deputy president's post, I can step down. For the sake of unity and stability of MCA, I am willing to give up my post," Dr Chua said, stressing however that Liow must come out in the open if he wanted to be the deputy president.

"He must say it lah... That I, Liow Tiong Lai, want the MCA deputy president's post; please tell me clearly. I am willing to give it up," added Dr Chua.

While Dr Chua's statement today can be read as "a clever remark" to keep Liow in check after the latter's lawyer Datuk Leong Tang Chong disputed Dr Chua's position as the deputy president, some party leaders believed there is more to that -- a signal that they are willing to compromise for Liow.

Some party leaders believed that the top leaders are now working towards reviving the original version of the GUP which would eventually see Dr Chua giving way to Liow to take up the deputy president's post while Dr Chua would most likely be given the post of secretary-general.

However, it is not immediately known whether Liow and his supporters in the CC will accept the proposal.

"Whether he will accept or not, this is the only question now. The next few days will be interesting to watch," said a party leader.

Party insiders believe that should Liow decide to accept the proposal, the crisis brought by the Oct 10 EGM would be resolved before this weekend, just in time for Dr Chua's scheduled briefing to party grassroots on the GUP at the party's headquarters on Sunday.

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