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Thursday 26 November 2009

Hindraf flowers and letter to P.M Najib shun. Hindraf 25th November 2007 uprising 2nd Anniversary.

Hindraf had last week written to Prime Minister Najib Razak that they would be present at the Prime Minister’s office at Putrajaya today the second anniversary of the 25th November 2007 Hindraf peaceful uprising.

But we were told by one police Inspector Shahrom and then Superintendent Mak Pak Choh that none of the Prime Minister’s Secretaries were available and only some desk secretary would be present to receive our latter and flowers.

Seven year old Vaishnavi Waytha Moorthy, Hindraf’s frontline future torch bearer and carrying the message of peace by her father and exiled Hindraf Chairman P. Waytha Moorthy waited but even the Prime Minister’s desk secretary had refused to come down to greet meet and accept her gesture of flowers.

Police Superintendent Mak then told us that we had to disperse in ten minutes time or we would be arrested. P. Uthayakumar instead gave the desk officer Huzairi two minutes to come down to meet us. When he did not arrive, the dejected seven year old Vaishnavi was forced to leave the bouquet of flower to Prime Minster Najib Razak and her father’s letter at the doorsteps of the Prime Minister’s Putrajaya office. There shouts of Hindraf Makkal Sakthi and Manitha Urimai were said before we all left the Prime Minister’s office doorsteps.

At 4.00 p.m outside the Prime Minister’s office a short prayer was held and then drinks were served to the 18 hunger strikers and other supporters to break their hunger strike. These 18 Hindraf hunger strikers were protesting against the non fulfillment of Hindraf’s 18 point demands dated 12/8/2007 by the Malay-sian One Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak.

S. Jayathas

Information Chief.

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