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Friday 27 November 2009

Don't Channel Compassionate Payment To State Government - PPP

KUALA KRAI, Nov 27 (Bernama) -- The federal government's objectives of assisting the people of Kelantan through the compassionate payment will not be achieved if it is channel directly to the state government as an oil royalty, PPP vice-president Datuk Nik Sapeia Nik Yusof said.

"I hope the federal government will not give in to the request by the state government," he said when asked to comment on the PAS government's intention bring the matter to the court.

Nik Sapeia claimed that PAS had ulterior motives in its determination to have the compassionate payment paid to the state government as an oil royalty.

The federal government early this month announced that starting next year Kelantan would recive a compassionate payment through the national petroleum company, Petronas.

The payment would be channelled to the Kelantan Federal Development Department.

The state government had previously written to the federal government seeking RM1 billion in oil royalty since 2004.

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