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Thursday 15 October 2009

Professional Guidance for Students Applying to Top Universities This Year

by Nathaniel Tan

This post is also a little overdue -

Some weeks/months ago, I started a new venture of sorts (having ended my 2nd attempt to be a banker recently). I think the time is now right to describe it.

I am currently assisting on a professional basis students who are aiming to apply to top universities at the end of this year (a job which is turning out to be quite fun).

I specialise in helping students intending to attend top American schools formulate an overall application that most comprehensively reflects their very best qualities. (Assistance is readily available for any student applying anywhere that requires an essay and/or an interview).

I work with all aspects of the applications and focus particularly on essays and SAT preparation, two important factors that can still be worked on significantly between now and deadlines in December.

The overall goal is to help students understand what top schools are looking for in applicants, and how to craft an application that displays those qualities of a student that will most likely result in acceptance.

I draw on both my experiences with Harvard, both as an undergraduate and from my two years as an alumni admissions interviewer.

Besides doing this for a living, I am motivated largely by my firm belief that many more talented Malaysian students could gain admittance into some of the best schools in the world with just a little more assistance and guidance. As in so many other fields, I feel Malaysia tragically underperforms in relation to its true potential.

I think I have also adopted Chen Chow’s goal of soon having more Malaysian students admitted into top tier schools than Singapore :)

So, if you know of any students planning to apply this year (especially to top American schools) and might be interested in such a service, please feel free to have them get in touch with me (nat[at] for further details.

There’s not a whole lot of time left this year (I have longer term ideas for next year, but that’s another story), but there’s still enough to make a difference I feel.

My next class where people are welcome to sit in and sample the experience will be in Taman Tun this coming Monday, the 14th of October. I also currently run classes in Shah Alam and Kajang.

Looking forward to hearing from interested students :)

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