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Thursday 15 October 2009

Kg Tanjung Tokong villagers ponder their fate - Anil Netto

These images from Kg Tanjung Tokong were taken during a Raya event on Sunday, 11 October at a time when the villagers are facing an uncertain future.

Photos by Kim MK

The residents’ association is concerned about UDA Holdings’ declaration that they are “squatters” without taking into consideration their livelihoods and the historical significance of their 200-year-old village. They note that UDA came in under the pretext of the NEP to improve their area.

“To counter this, the association now wants the village to be declared a heritage zone so that the residents themselves can decide what form of development and upgrading is most suited to their needs,” says Cikgu Salleh, the resident’s association chairman.

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