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Wednesday 14 October 2009

Lim Guan Eng's RM157Million Kg.Buah Pala Nature Gallery!

This is the impact for selecting the State Government with Bad, incapable, non-credible, and

Business minded, Cruel hearted ADUN and MP's. This is a gift from Lim Guan Eng, Rayer and

Ramasamy, who has no BALLS to change the error and sins made by the previous

government! Resign now! before more are affected!

Kg.Buah Pala today Tanjong Tokong next!

because Lim Guan Eng has no balls to change the Development project! Not Rights or legality.. NO BALLS!



Anonymous said...

next time b4 voting them, remove their pants and see whether they are hanging.if there is only one or none, do not vote them and waste your vote.they are neither man nor woman.

Anonymous said...

No balls? Why not lend your female dear ones to be 'lab-mouse' to test your hypothesis? Everynite for 1 month - then we all will know if your foul mouthed claims are CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT or ABSOLUTELY INSANE.

IF you dare not supply 'laboratory-mouse' then for heaven sake SHUT UP, unless you can get back the KBP or your equivalence of compensation from BN/Kooperasi or Developer, then ok we Penangite will knowtow you.

We expect the CM LGE and team to be busy making our process of earning 'bread and butter' easier. Instead a bunch of mad monkeys go on verbal rampage like terminum toddy trying to distract the CM et al!
