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Wednesday 23 September 2009

Woman's Wrist Slashed In Robbery Attempt

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 22 (Bernama) -- A Pandan Perdana book shop sales woman was seriously injured when her wrist was slashed by a knife-wielding man during an attempted robbery.

The 25-year-old victim is being treated at the Ampang Hospital and is stable, said Ampang police district deputy chief Supt Amiruddin Jamaluddin.

In the incident at Pandan Perdana, Jalan 4/3, Ampang Jaya at noon a man in his late 20's pretended to be a customer.

"The man went into the shop wearing a full-face helmet," he said.

"Seeing the victim alone he threathened her into handing over the cash in the cash register," Amiruddin told reporters at the scene.

He said the cashier refused to surrender the cash and the robber tried to flee through the back door only to discover that it was locked.

Meanwhile the woman fled to the front exit where she was cornered by the robber and a scuffle ensued and the woman was injured on her wrist, forehead and chin.

"The robber then fled without taking anything," said Amirruddin.

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