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Wednesday 23 September 2009

Guan Eng warned of Strong Backlash by HRP

Saturday September 19, 2009

Guan Eng warned of strong backlash

THE Human Rights Party has warned Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his political allies to expect a strong Indian backlash in future polls after the Kampung Buah Pala fiasco in Penang, reported Tamil Nesan.

Its secretary-general P. Uthaya­kumar said Lim’s lack of action and his political allies had caused the demolition of the Indian heritage village, and the state government had taken the community’s votes for granted.

He said Lim together with the DAP, PKR and PAS might have politically calculated that Indians had no alternative but to vote for Pakatan in not wanting to support the Umno-dominated Barisan Nasional.


Anonymous said...

Dear UthayaKumar,
Malaysian Indian community is equally as important as the Malaysian Malay, Malaysian Chinese, Malaysian Punjabi, Malaysian Real Bumiputra etc etc.

KBP case is obviously something beyond the control of LGE-team. There are so many strings attached that under the cover of OSA, nobody except the BN-team can access to it. I bet some of the BN lawmakers are also surprised by the entanglement of conditions.

During the 308, PR team committed to help, not knowing the trap-entanglements. You are a lawyer yourself, if the high court then the federal court rule KBP out, what else can you do?

Do you have any idea to get out of this BN-entanglement? If yes be charitiable, lighten the path for the KBP-leadership to bring their case up through another angle? The LGE team will help if there is a doable chance of winning back HIgh Chapparal. "A stroke of Pen" is powered by USA President John Kennedy. If LGE is the PM of Malaysia then A stroke of Pen is also powerful. Remembmer LGE is ONLY CM OF PENANG - his power is suppressed.

Instead the attitude of KBP-leadership and certain politican front are only rotten-egging LGE. Hey isnt it the wrong tree being barked at? Hey so far these people are only good at foul-mannering, foul-mouthing - nothing more than that.

A real leader will go badger non stop at the BN-leadership, especially when our PM Najib is in such a benign mood, for solution. Afterall you know his words is as powerful as the late President John Kennedy.

Stop threatening stop clowning! Its getting really annoying.


raj said...

its true utaya is annoying.he is supposed to be apolitical what happened?many indians including me had high rgds for hindraf and utaya's team.but be rest assured the respect and support has dwindled.KBP case in every aspect BN specifically MIC ,Koh 'Sick" Koon are the culprits.utaya,where is ur brother - hibernating no gts to come back and resolve KBP issue.
HRP it seems Hari Raya Puasa kah?