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Wednesday 30 September 2009

Urgent need of fund to enter Oxford College of Dental Studies.

Urgent need of fund to enter Oxford College of Dental Studies.

If we do not help in this kind of situation, there is no point of us talking about Community Services and Fighting for the Community! A young boy is struggling even to enter College in this Country! PLease Help Him ! Change the situation in our Country!

On 19/9/2009 I received my offer letter to study Dentistry in Oxford College, Bangalore India, I have my Malaysian International Passport ready and visa is being processed by my agent. I am scheduled to fly to Bangalore via MAS on the 2/10/2009. Due to financial constraint, I am yet to pay the 1st year tuition fees and my agency fees totaling RM53,000.00. As my sister is studying Dentistry in Indonesia and my brother doing his pilot training in Australia, my father could not come up with so much cash almost instantly. We have approached the banks but no study loans available. We had tried MIC, they were of no help so far, we have tried our ADUN PKR in PJ but no help either, almost everyone we approach are just pushing us around. So I decided to solicit online help. To those who are kind enough to help me please do so.

Below I append my account number and other Details.

Thanking everyone in advance.

Name : Hare Krishnan JSR a/l Vejayan

IC No : 901104-14-6409

BSN A/C Number : 10126-29-00004766-5

Offer Letter from The Oxford Dental College dated 19/9/2009

Note : Any amount of donation, small or big into his account will help him fulfill his dream to become a doctor and serve the public...

1 comment:

devakinarayanan said...

Public help not forthcoming and this student is now stranded in Bangalore. In the event of non payment asap he will be terminated from college.