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Wednesday 30 September 2009

Cow Head and Kugan BANNED from Bagan Pinang - Mp Kapar

Remember how “Altantuya” was barred from Bukit Gantang , Bukit Selambau and Batang Ai by-elections by Home Ministry for simple reason the matter current under court purview. However, during Permatang Pauh by-elections UMNO play and play hundred of thousand time “Sumpah Saiful” at every operations centers. Not to forget privately owned television too replayed the scene despite hatred been build against them.

Though the prosecution failed to haul anyone to the court in connection Kugan Ananthan’s deaths while under police custody, we should expect that to happen prior Bagan Pinang nomination day. The authority wants myself to fall on their trap, or prevent Pakatan Rakyat from raising Kugan and Cow Head issues during the impending election campaign.

UMNO simply need a FAKE election Victory in Peninsula Malaysia just to boost up their morality. Already their President announce additional RM1 billion stimulus package to satisfy UMNOputrans ,named Port Dickson as Army Town while bowed down to his members pressure by nominating Toothless Tiger whom earned corrupt person title their own party as their choice candidate .

Though the path of victory still far away, Indian voters plays significant role to decide whom to be their next elected representative. For that, Najib’s administration need the curb Pakatan rakyat leaders from capitalising Cow Head Incident and Kugan’s death . They may deceive some for some time but not all for all the time.

The might steal the Rising Sun “Orange ” colour synonym with Hindraf and having a party named after Makkal Sakthi but they failed to realise that each time a Malaysian or Indians looks at the colour or hears Makkal Sakthi it means we want freedom from marginalisation. That’s been proven at Bukit Selambau by election when MIC youth wears Orange T Shirts in support of their candidates.

They had caught into their own trap, Banning Kugan and Cow Head possible but not MAKKAL SAKTHI and Rising Sun “Orange” colour from Bagan Pinang. The more the orange clad T Shirts or Uniform campaigning either by TRUE HINDRAF MAKKAL SAKTHI or by the fake Makkal Sakthi, the better chances for Pakatan’s PAS Candidate.

If Barisan Nasional wins Bagan Pinang , current Menteri Besar may shown exit path much earlier the anticipated. If BN loss, that’s signal for nations next general election.

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