What else can we describe these people but with the word 'ugly'? How do you dialogue (ie have a two-way conversation) when these people's main intention is to shout you down? How do you solve anything if you refuse to allow anyone to speak?
Would they be happy to have their children watch them behave like this? Or their mothers?
They should read the Quran.
4:36 (Y. Ali) Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: For Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious;-
Uthayakumar (being carried) and several others have been arrested while trying to make their way to a candlelight vigil at Dataran Merdeka. — Picture by Choo Choy May
Authorities had closed off access to the square to prevent the group of about 50 demonstrators from carrying out the vigil.
Police moved in to detain the protesters, among them Uthayakumar’s fiancée, despite the group heeding police orders to disperse and leave the area.
According to sources from Hindraf, three people from the group were injured during the arrests. All 14 are currently being held at the Dang Wangi police station
In last week’s protest in Shah Alam, around 50 residents from Section 23 marched towards the Selangor state secretariat building after Friday prayers to protest the planned relocation of a Hindu temple to their housing area.
The protesters brandished a severed cow’s head during the protest, which was observed by the police. No arrests were made then or since.
Today, Selangor mentri besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim announced the relocation will now be temporarily put on hold, following an abortive Shah Alam town hall meeting called this morning to discuss the growing controversy.
1 comment:
Bismialh Hir Rahman Nir Rahim
Cerita sensasi tahun 2009 yg paling unggul!
Inikah pemimpin pemimpin yg akan memimpin Negeri Selangor yang akn datang.
Nauzubillah , moga moga Allah SWT memberi nur hidayah kepada muka muka yg didamparkan kat klip video blog blog internet tersebut
Komen saya,
1)Macamanalah bangsa Melayu begini nak di ajak berbincang .MB Selangor dengan tulus nak berbincang dan menyelesaikan masaalah raykat tapi disebab kebodohan segelintir bangsa Melayu membuat unak habis susu sebelanga . Di mata bangsa asing akan cop orang Melayu tak leh diajak bincang .Serupa macam UMNO di mesyuarat agong bahagian paling tidak asik nak bergaduh.Melayu akan marah jika bangsa selain dari Melayu diangkat jadi ketua di syarikat swasta .Tapi tengok perangai segenlintir bangsa Melayu bila diajak bincang lain pulak yang terjadi. Bila MB Selangor tak ajak bincang bising macam angjing.Apa betul kah Orang Melayu tak leh diajak berbincang.
2)Di mata islam pula perihal segelintir orang Melayu yang tak tahu adap adap mesyurat boleh di ibaratkan macam kera mendapat bunga tak pandai mengunakan mesyurat. Macam mana bangsa asing nak hormat islam kalau orang melayu berkelakuan macam beruk makyah.Di Bulan yang diberkatilah Allah SWT masih ada orang mengaku puasa tapi mengeluarkan kata kata yang kurang enak didengar.Sepatutnya bila seseorang e2 berpuasa hati menjadi lembut dan soupan . Tapi perangai segelintir orang Melayu yang buat perangai buruk semasa mesyuarat akan membuat bangsa asing akan mengetawakan ajaran Islam .Se olah olah ajaran islam tak sempurna .Nauzubilah
3) Bab ini apakah kita nak salah ibu kita yang memberi susu badan sehingga perangai orang Melayu dididik menjadi begini rupa. Atau ayah memberi nafkah dzahir yang haram sehingga anak anak bangsa Melayu menjadi kurang ajar. Atau anak anak kita yg tenggok perangai buruk kita akan bangga mempunyai seorang bapa yang kurang ajar tak tahu adat resam orang Melayu
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