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Thursday 27 August 2009

Zul Nordin sticks a finger up PKR’s!

by Haris Ibrahim

In relation to the decision by Lunas Adun Mohd Radzhi Salleh to quit PKR, Anwar is reported in Malaysiakini to have said that this froggy was trying to convince his fellow assemblymen to quit PKR, but he would not succeed.

Anwar is also reported to have said that he had received many complaints lately about Radzhi’s disciplinary problems, mismanagement of claims and marital problems.

Anwar’s assertions were supported by Kedah PKR head Ahmad Kasim, reported in Malaysiakini the following day, who detailed the problems that the party had with Radzhi.

“In the past, Mohd Radzhi has been given a stern warning for performing poorly as a leader but he failed to buck up and instead made an announcement to quit the party now,” claimed Ahmad.

Among the misdeeds listed in the Malaysiakini report :

1) making huge expenditure claims

2) facing marital problems that is pending a court hearing for marriage in Thailand

3) failing to serve his constituents

YB Zul Nordin is now reported to have refuted the claims by these PKR leaders.

NSTonline has it that Zul has come out in defence of Radzhi’s decision to quit PKR, saying that :

  • the resignation was based on principles and had nothing to do with disciplinary problems
  • Radzhi is a committed and dedicated state executive councillor
  • Radzhi was concerned with the disunity among the Malays after the last general election
  • Radzhi wanted all Malay leaders from Pas, PKR and Umno to sit together to address disunity among the Muslims
  • Radzhi had planned to turn Langkawi and Kedah into a hub for “syariah-compliant and halal tourism” to attract tourists from the Middle East

NSTonline quotes Zul as saying : “I would like to remind my friends in PKR and Pakatan Rakyat not to make wild accusations, slander or blame Radzhi”.

Seems to me that Zul has just ticked off the PKR leadership, including Anwar, for maligning Radzhi with untruths.


Almost 1 year ago, Zul was ordered by the PKR disciplinary committee to show cause for his role in the disruption of a forum at the Bar Council auditorium on 9th August, last year.

A Malaysiakini report had PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali saying that the disciplinary committee would give Zul the opportunity to explain and then decide on recommendations for any further action, if necessary, and presumably to explain the delay in action against the Kulim MP, further explained that the disciplinary proceedings were deferred because of the by-elections in Permatang Pauh then and, as the same had only then just concluded, the party would now turn its attention to this internal matter.

Well, the Permatang Pasir by-election is also now concluded.

We’ve not heard of what has become of that show cause to Zul.

That’s probably because this is all that the PKR disciplinary committee got in response to their show cause.

piss off bitch

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