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Thursday 27 August 2009

Soi Lek expelled - Malaysiakini

MCA deputy president Dr Chua Soi Lek has been formally sacked from the party for damaging the party's reputation due to his sex scandal.

At a press conference at 12.15am at the party headquarters, MCA
president Ong Tee Keat announced that the presidential council had
endorsed the recommendation of the party's disciplinary committee to sack Chua over the matter.

"We did so with a heavy heart after giving much consideration to the damage inflicted upon the party image, brought about by the sex scandal featured in the DVD.

"This decision has been made in the best interest of the party," said Ong, reading from a prepared text after a marathon five-hour meeting.

Ong said Chua ha 14 days to appeal the decision, but added that the party constitution does not allow the decision to be challenged in court.

He said that he would personally convey the party's decision to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, and refused take any questions from floor.

Earlier, Chua, upon arrival at the party's headquarters in Jalan Ampang was asked to predict how the presidential council meeting would go, he replied by grabbing his throat with his hand and said, "Gantung mati" (hanged to death) thrice in succession.

Chua was not allowed to participate in the meeting as he was an interested party.

He said he had received a report from the disciplinary committee which recommended the presidential council to sack him.

He added that he will adhere to whatever decision made by the party on the matter.

He noted that the presidential council usually endorsed decisions made by the disciplinary committee.

He also said that he hoped party president and his rival Ong Tee Keat will "sleep well tonight after I'm expelled".

He said that Ong had been seeing him as an enemy and the biggest threat since party elections last October.

"Members must take necessary action to stop the party from being destroyed by one person," he said.

Incompetent president

When asked if by this he meant an extraordinary general meeting to be called to remove the president, Chua said he had to consult his supporters first before making such a decision.

Furthermore, he added, he had never suggested the EGM proposal. It was a media speculation, he said.

"Party has many senior leaders, they will give various suggestions," he said, but added that he would support any attempt to hold an EGM.

He also lashed out at Ong for keeping the party without any directions since taking over the presidency.

"The party has no clear direction, members are fighting against each other and MCA could not win back the Chinese voters," he said.

When asked if he will be appealing against any decision taken today, he said he will consider when the decision is officially handed down.

He also replied with a flat "No" when asked if he was joining the opposition after he was sacked.

Ong's important political agenda

Meanwhile in his blog entry, Chua said that the decision against him was not a surprise "because there has been a sustained attempt by the MCA president to subvert the wishes of the rank and file and end my political career".

"But as a loyal party man, I have to abide by the decision of the disciplinary board and the presidential council. I am confident that MCA comrades will understand fully the events leading to the suspension and why the MCA leadership needs to keep me on the sidelines.

"It is an open secret that those who are not on the same page with the MCA president are regarded as his enemies or a threat," he wrote.

He added that Ong had outlined three main agenda for the party: economic, politics and inter-racial harmony, but in reality "it appeared that his most important political agenda was to remove Chua Soi Lek".

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