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Wednesday 19 August 2009

PAS continues to hit out at BN’s tainted candidate

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid - The Malaysian Insider

PERMATANG PASIR, Aug 19 — PAS leaders today continued to capitalise on the controversy surrounding Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate Rohaizat Othman in the Permatang Pasir by-election by calling him “wet rice” or a devalued candidate.

Umno and BN information chief Ahmad Maslan, at a press conference here last night, said Rohaizat was a “victim of circumstances” and that it was his legal firm’s partner who had absconded with the RM161,000 belonging to the Penang Rubber Tappers Co-operative.

He further claimed that Rohaizat has already been exonerated after he repaid the co-operative with his own money, and should be praised for his "admirable" qualities instead of being chided.

Bar Council president K. Ragunath told The Malaysian Insider the reimbursement would not change the fact that Rohaizat had breached his professional ethics and committed a serious offence.

"The point is he already committed the offence. Whether he paid them back or not is a non-issue," he said.

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub said the issue was certain to impact the campaign efforts of the ruling coalition, saying that it would contradict Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak's 1 Malaysia concept.

"If they want to talk about integrity and 1 Malaysia, why don't they pick a better candidate. This has got nothing to do with Umno, this is about the people, about a representative who is going to serve the people," he said.

BN, which has been put under severe pressure over its “tainted” candidate, has been doubling up efforts to explain to the Permatang Pasir electorate that Rohaizat is innocent.

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