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Wednesday 19 August 2009

Defensive BN maintains candidate’s innocence

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid - The Malaysian Insider

PERMATANG PASIR, Aug 18 — Barisan Nasional (BN), which has been put under severe pressure over their “tainted” candidate, took pains to explain that Rohaizat Othman is innocent.

Umno and BN information chief Ahmad Maslan in a press conference here today reiterated that Rohaizat was a “victim of circumstances” and that it was his legal firm’s partner who absconded with the RM 161,000 belonging to the Penang Rubber Tappers Co-operative.

Ahmad said the sum, intended for the purchase of some real estate, was paid exclusively to Rohaizat’s partner, someone by the name of Yusri Ishak. He was also alleged to have handled all the transactions and processing by himself and without Rohaizat’s involvement.

At the time when the complaint was lodged to the Bar’s disciplinary committee, Yusri had already left the firm and Rohaizat was named instead as the person responsible.

The Umno information chief, who was doing all the explanation despite Rohaizat being present at the press conference, said the latter was not allowed to explain himself before the disciplinary committee.

Rohaizat had attended the disciplinary hearing the first time but they only had time to question a representative from the co-operative, said Ahmad. Rohaizat supposedly fell sick on the day he was supposed to cross examine the representative from the co-operative and give an explanation to the committee. He was subsequently disbarred.

A settlement was reached between Rohaizat and the co-operative after the body was reimbursed by the former and its chairman wrote a letter to the committee appealing for the former’s disbarment to be overturned but there was no reply. Copies of the letter were distibuted to the media.

To back his claims, Ahmad had brought along the treasurer from the co-operative, Umar Hamid, who confirmed that the problems between the body and Rohaizat had been settled amicably.

“So he is actually a hero. He saved his firm.This is the quality of a good leader and it should be admired instead of being chided,” Ahmad added. Also present was Penang Umno deputy chairman Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman.

Zainal added that the fact that no police report was lodged against Rohaizat showed that there was no criminal nor legal ramification and the question raised by Pakatan Rakyat on the moral legitimacy of his candidacy does not arise.

Asked why then Bar Council president K Ragunath made a statement saying that the Bar only disbars lawyers found guilty and not the partner, Umno lawyer Abu Bakar As-Sidek who was also present at the press conference said the Bar president is not in the position to make comments on the matter.

“The privilege can only be accorded to the chairman of the disciplinary committee,” he said, adding that Umno will be looking into the issue and if the need arises, file for a restraining order to prevent any parties from exploting the issue.

Throughout the press conference, Rohaizat remained tightlipped, letting other leaders explain the issue. He only answered a question by a reporter who wanted to know why no police report or legal action had been taken against his partner.

“That is up to me,” said a visibly-annoyed Rohaizat.

His past misconduct has now put BN and Umno in a spot, as they are likely to be faced with defending a candidate labelled as tainted by the opposition for the rest of the campaign. BN and Umno appear to have been backed into a corner with the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) campaign expected to take full advantage of the controversy.

Rohaizat and other Umno leaders, however, said the matter is a non-issue and that PR is only using it as a character assassination attempt on him.

“The issue has already been explained and therefore I don’t think this would affect our campaigning efforts,” said Rohaizat.

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