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Tuesday 4 August 2009

Miraculous reprieve for Kg Buah Pala! (updates)

1205: A clarification/correction from Himanshu: It was a legal agreement in the presence of the CPO, the court bailiff or registrar, a developer’s rep and a residents association rep not to engage in vacant posssession or demolition until the application to the Federal Court for a revision of its earlier decision has been disposed of. The letter from the Federal Court agrees to the application and has fixed 18 August for preliminary mention.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister will be holding a meeting with the villagers at 7.30pm (and not 10.30 as mentioned earlier).

1145: A miraculous turn of events: a document has been delivered to the villagers from the Federal Court that effectively holds back vacant possession of the land and demolition of the homes, pending a revision of the last Federal Court decision, which denied the land to the villagers. The application for revision, filed by lawyer Darshan Singh, will be heard on 18 August. So there will be no demolition until that legal avenue has been exhausted, it would appear.

Balik Pulau MP Yusmadi announced this startling news after meeting the CPO, a developer’s representative, and the secretary of the village committee, according to Himanshu Bhatt, northern region editor of theSun, who is at the scene.

1035: Apparently, there is not going to be any demolition – at least for today, according to another source. From what I hear, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng will be holding a meeting with the residents at 10.30pm.

Meanwhile, half a dozen FRU trucks, presumably on standby, were spotted along a side road, off the coastal highway.

0951: Emotions are running high in Kg Buah Pala. Villagers have put up human barricades, according to an eye-witness there.

Earlier, villagers confronted a TNB staff and asked him what he was trying to do there. He said he was just there on standby.

Deputy CM Ramasamy is at the scene trying to calm the villagers. About 40 police personnel are also present.

The villagers want answers: what happened to the probe on alleged fraud? why can’t Section 116 be used…?

Ramasamy has told the villagers there would be a meeting with the residents this evening.

0910: Deputy Chief Minister Ramasamy arrives, quells tense atmosphere, saying the developer has agreed to hold back demolition for now, according to an eye-witness.

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