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Wednesday 22 July 2009

Cops step up probe into Teoh’s death

KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 – The police today stepped up their investigation into the suspicious death of Teoh Beng Hock by beginning interviews with two Selangor assemblymen, Ean Yong Hian Wah and M Manoharan, as they attempt to piece together the final hours of the DAP political aide..

Tomorrow, investigators will also be interviewing Teoh’s pregnant fiancé Soh Cher Wei and members of his family in a case which has sparked controversy over the interrogation methods of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

The 30-year-old Teoh had been questioned for over eight hours straight by an MACC officer on a case of alleged fraud over state funds involving his boss, Selangor exco member Ean Yong.

The MACC said it released him at 3.45am on the day he was to get married. His body was found sprawled on the rooftop of the block beside the MACC's headquarters in Shah Alam at 1.30pm later that same day last Thursday.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said today that at least 42 more people would be questioned by investigators.

“The police must be very transparent and professional in their investigations, as they have to answer a lot of questions being asked by various parties and the public.

“If these issues are not answered properly to the satisfaction of the public, then we have to face the consequences of a royal commission or an independent commission,” he said.

The Cabinet is expected to discuss tomorrow widespread calls for a royal commission of inquiry to be set up to investigate the death. Politicians across the political divide have called for a royal commission to be set up to satisfy public concern about interrogation and questioning methods employed by law enforcement agencies.

Hishammuddin said he would brief the Cabinet on the investigations and the recommendations for the royal commission.

Since investigations began the police have recorded statements from 33 individuals, including 25 MACC officers.

Investigators have also seized closed-circuit television recordings, MACC investigation records and also Teoh’s mobile phone which was in the custody of an anti-graft officer.

The seizure of the phone has thrown up questions about whether Teoh had actually been free to leave the MACC office. He had been asked to go there as a “witness” and not a suspect in any crime. - The Malaysian Insider

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