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Friday 26 June 2009

Roundtable Conference: Developing A Comprehensive Policy Framework For Refugees & Asylum-Seekers

Contributed by Vilashini Vijayan


The Bar Council organised a Roundtable Conference entitled “Developing A Comprehensive Policy Framework For Refugees & Asylum-Seekers” on 23 June 2009. 41 participants attended the Roundtable including representatives from SUHAKAM, UNHCR, UNICEF, ICRC, MMA and other members of civil society concerned about the treatment meted out to refugees.

The objective of the Roundtable was to consider current practices and to develop a comprehensive policy framework to enhance the social protection of refugees and asylum seekers. The main areas that were discussed include Fair Protection Process, Detention, Basic Needs and Livelihood, Trafficking and Regional Perspectives.

The paper presenters discussed the current situation of refugees and asylum seekers in the country and suggested both short term and long term recommendations to improve the situation.

The Roundtable generated a healthy discussion and highlighted the issues and problems faced by refugees and asylum seekers.

The Committee is in the process of finalising the recommendations.

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