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Friday 26 June 2009

Nizar to finally get written grounds from Court of Appeal today

By Debra Chong - The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 — The Court of Appeal in Putrajaya will finally be releasing their grounds of judgment in the highly disputed legal battle over who is the real mentri besar (MB) of Perak at 3pm today.

The release comes exactly a week after toppled Pakatan Rakyat (PR) mentri besar Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin filed an appeal to the Federal Court, the highest court in the country.

Nizar wants the top court to reverse the Court of Appeal's decision declaring his political rival from the Barisan Nasional (BN) camp Datuk Seri Zambry Abd Kadir the lawful MB.

Lawyers for Nizar told The Malaysian Insider they are expecting to get three separate written judgments today – one from each of the three judges who sat on the panel to hear the Perak MB vs MB case.

The Court of Appeal on May 22 overturned a High Court ruling on May 11 declaring Nizar to be the rightful mentri besar of Perak.

The three-man panel of judges , made up of Justices Datuk Md Raus Sharif, Datuk Zainun Ali and Datuk Ahmad Maarop, had promised to provide the grounds for dismissing his appeal within a week of their oral verdict – but failed to do so.

The much-talked about written judgments, while not a must for Nizar’s case to be forwarded to the Federal Court, will provide the key reasons for dismissing Nizar's appeal against Zambry.

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